Ya hey der all,
Well we went from London to Linlithgow Scotland and stayed in a very nice little place where I got to eat Haggis a coupla times YUM YUM. Anyway Linlithgow proved handy for visiting Edinburgh (Don't go during the Festival unless you like crowds). Climbed the Scot monument, saw the castle, had a pint and a merry 'ol time. Linlithgow for youse not in the know was the birth place of Bloody Mary (Queen of Scots) although she didn't spend much time there. After a coupla days we wandered into Dunbar and stayed in a wonderful B&B that had a view of the coast from the balcony. Dunbar is the birthplace of John Muir and has a small museum dedicated to him which was kinda nice to see. Went onto Glasgow and got together with some tremendous folks that showed us around - Glasgow, Loch Lomond and the local curry joint for a real curry dinner that we understand our CA scot friend will be jealous of :-) We had planned on going to Dusseldorf, but due to unforeseen (I screwed up the travel plans) circumstances we ended up headin to Berlin instead. Ah well, that's what the trip is all about.
So, we went to the Topography of Terror, (the old SS headquaters building), Check-Point Charlie, the wall museum, and the Brandenberg Gate before it started to rain. Afterward we headed to the train station to find out about travel to.....Dresden - or at least that's the plan right now.
Til the next time, this is me and her tellin ya ta watch out for
"Sookin - up - goats" John Muir
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